Sunday, December 27, 2009

In the last decade, there has been a dramatic decline in the number of deaths from heart attacks. In 1970, nearly a million Americans died of cardiovascular disease; now the annual toll is below 600,000. The cause for this improved mortality rate are unknown, but most experts believe that the increased awareness of cardiovascular risk factors and their correction have played an important role in cutting the death toll.
High cholesterol is usually anything over 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) and can lead to all kinds of health problems such as an increased risk of stroke and heart disease. The top causes of high cholesterol are pretty well known but a lot of people ignore this information. That's easy to do however because time goes by very quickly as we age. At 20, 30 takes forever to get here but at 30, 40 seems to approach very, very quickly.
When talking about natural ways to lower cholesterol we are really talking about weight loss if you are 15% or more overweight, smoking cessation, decreasing the total amount of fat and cholesterol consumed through diet modification, and increasing physical activity. By implementing these...
So you have eaten your egg whites, substituted a skinless chicken breast for your beloved hot dog with chili, and started a moderate exercise program. You are feeling really good about what you are doing, despite the sacrifice, and are now on your way to your 3 month follow up visit.
Tinnitus is known to be caused by several factors and the most common is a problem inside the ear. Also, tinnitus is not rare among elderly people particularly those who are losing their hearing. And because the human ears are oversensitive to blaring sounds, too much exposure to loud sounds and or noises may reap adverse results later on.
Tinnitus is a problem produced by a variety of noises within the ear that affect the life of the person. Although many solutions have been propagated over the years, none have been proven to be completely effective. This is a problem that affects between 40 to 50 million people, or 15 percent of the population, in the United States alone. Nearly 2 million of these people have such a severe problem with tinnitus that they can no longer function normally. The good news is that there appears to be a tinnitus cure.
The fact is, many people regain their hearing once treated. The important thing is however that the underlying condition be treated. So, this particular underlying condition must be identified. That is why it is important to see your doctor if your hearing has been affected in any way, whether you are hearing different noises or ringing sounds.